1-Day Primary Care Breastfeeding Medicine Course for Physicians and Other Providers

Our one-day provider course is geared for physicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, midwives, dentists, and providers-in-training. The course offers training in basic breastfeeding knowledge and skills that can be readily used in the clinical setting, to help manage the most common breastfeeding questions and problems that arise while caring for breastfeeding dyads. The One-Day Primary Care Breastfeeding Training Curriculum covers these topics:

  • Components of breastmilk
  • Risks of not breastfeeding
  • Current policies and recommendations
  • Preconception and prenatal counseling
  • Anatomy and physiology of breastfeeding
  • Positioning, latch and infant instinctive feeding behaviors
  • Breastfeeding in the immediate postpartum period
  • Supporting the breastfeeding dyad during the first week postpartum
  • Nipple and breast pain
  • Low milk supply
  • The slow gaining infant
  • Medications during lactation
  • Breast pump technology
  • Hyperlactation
  • Weaning strategies