Breastfeeding & Lactation Educational Resources for Families
Updated 04/22
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The US National Breastfeeding Helpline 1-800-994-9662
The Office of Women’s Health Breastfeeding Website
Your Guide to Breastfeeding: Free comprehensive guide on breastfeeding for families
Ready, Set Baby Website
First Droplets – This website reviews how to ensure adequate milk production, and is especially helpful for those with risk factors for lower milk production or for parents of babies in the NICU.
La Leche League is an international, nonprofit, nonsectarian organization dedicated to providing education information, support, and encouragement to women who want to breastfeed.
Global Health Media’s Breastfeeding Series: Helpful videos about how to directly feed baby.
UNICEF’s hand expression video can help with learning hand expression.
IABLE’s videos can help with latch and positioning, pump fitting, and feeding your baby expressed human milk.
Wiessinger D, West D, Pitman T. La Leche League The Womanly Art of Breastfeeding 8th edition Ballantine Books. 2010.
Spangler A, Adams Rivera C. Breastfeeding: A Parent’s Guide, 10th Edition. 2021.
Social Media Accounts
There are many social media accounts that discuss breastfeeding. While some accounts have helpful content, this medium is rapidly changing, and it is hard to know who is producing the best content. Talk to a lactation specialist about the quality of the accounts you are following or ask them for recommendations.
Back to Work
U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services Office on Women’s Health has many great resources:
Breastfeeding and Going Back to Work
The Business Case for Breastfeeding
Breastfeeding Legislation
Troubleshooting Lactation
U.S. National Library of Medicine Drugs and Lactation Database (Lactmed) – this is a free database on medications during lactation
Trash the Pump and Dump – a website and app that discusses common reasons that people are told to ‘pump and dump’ and why this is rarely needed
Postpartum Support International – a nonprofit dedicated to postpartum depression and support
Children’s Books about Breastfeeding
The Physician Guide to Breastfeeding’s list of children’s books about breastfeeding and weaning. (And some other books as well for parents.)