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Podcast #112

LactFact: Secretory Activation

Anne Eglash MD, NABBLM-C, FABM January 13, 2025

LactFact: Antenatal colostrum expression does not affect onset of secretory activation.

Recorded January 8th, 2025


Hi everyone, welcome to the LactFact weekly podcast, which highlights recent, clinically relevant research, policy statements, and protocols that you, as a practicing lactation professional, should know about. I am your host, Dr Anne Eglash. I am a board-certified family physician and breastfeeding

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Comments (7)

    Gerri D’Orival

    Really enjoyed this presentation Will f/u to read the study
    So important we provide evidenced based information to families

    Ruth Konoff

    Where can I access a written transcript? That would be much easier for me to learn from.

    Anne Eglash

    We are working with our IT team on providing written transcripts


    Hi Ruth! We have now added the transcript feature – thank you!

    Jacalyn Bradley

    Great information regarding the secretory activation. Very helpful for prenatal education. The word is out, the trend to collect colostrum, start hand expression, or pump in hopes to stimulate labor. Many women are coming to hospital with just a few syringes of colostrum, others with bags of syringes. Most are doing this at the advice of Tik Tok or friends. Our obstetricians, while I would like them to refer diabetics to me for prenatal education, are definitely not advising this.
    I’d like to see a study about the antenatal colostrum use in stabilizing blood sugars without use of formula. The NICU portion whether decreased admission or not has such a variable. In both hospitals I work, while being part of larger systems they are small community hospital 1000 births annually. We keep babies that would be in special care or NICU basically because the units there only care for “well” babies. Some hospitals transfer any baby that would need special care ASAP. Thank you for all the information IABLE is providing.

    Shannon Schrum

    Thanks for making our Audible

    Carol Coetzee

    Thank you for this educational update. I was still using the term Lactogenesis 2, so will refrain from using this. I always encourage my women to express antenatally from 37 weeks gestation. We have much success, and I never enforce colostrum collection, but I always discuss the disadvantages, always giving reassurance to the women if they do not have much success in colostrum collection. All women definitely have more confidence with their breast care and breastfeeding. I have to mention that I have very few admissions to our neonatal unit as well.

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