Basics of Breastfeeding Support for the NICU or PICU Dyad – 21/05/08

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Saturday, May 8, 2021

10:00 AM – 4:45 PM CST


Stephanie Attarian, MD, IBCLC; Sarah Jordan Crowe, MD;
Anne Eglash, MD, IBCLC; FABM, Eliza Myers, MD, IBCLC;
Stephanie Ryan RN, IBCLC; and Liliana Simon, MD, IBCLC, FABM

Details are included in our flyer which can be downloaded here.


Please “Add to Cart” at the bottom of this page to reserve your seat to attend the live webinar or to access the recording.

Students: $10
Other: $25
Tuition costs will go to support research study participants.


Recordings of the webinar will be available for 1 month. Attendees can earn credits through any combination of live participation and/or viewing the recordings. A link to the recording will be emailed to registrants within 2-3 days following the webinar.


IBCLC: This course has been allocated a maximum of 5.5 (L) Continuing Education Recognition Points (CERPs) by IBLCE. CERPs approval #CLT117-04.

CMEs:The AAFP has reviewed The Basics of Breastfeeding Support for the NICU Dyad and deemed it acceptable for up to 5.50 Online Only, Live AAFP Prescribed credit. Term of Approval is from 05/08/2021 to 05/08/2021. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

RD: The Commission on Dietetic Registration has awarded Prior Approval of a maximum of 5.5 CPEUs. Suggested Performance Indicator 9.4.2 Selects and uses appropriate content and teaching methods to meet individual needs.

Registration for This Event is Closed

Alcohol | Antenatal Colostrum Expression | Assessment of Infant Intake | Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative | Bioactive Factors in Human Milk | Breast Anatomy | Breast Pumps | Breastmilk Fortification | Cannabis | Colored Milk | Colostrum | Composition Changes with Storage | Comprehensive NICU | Contraindicated Medications | Counseling Principles | Cue Based Feeding | Cup Feeding | Delay in Lactation | Demographics | Emotional Support | Engorgement | Equity & Inclusion | Establishment of Successful Lactation | Feeding Frequency | Feeding Plans for the NICU Graduate | Finger Feeding | Flange Fitting for Pumps | Fortification | Hand Expression | Hormonal Control of Lactation | Hyperlactation | Importance of Human Milk for the Premature or Ill Infant | Infant Contraindications & Special Considerations | Infant Feeding Cues | Infant Risks of Not Breastfeeding | Lactation Suppressants | Lactogenesis II | Lactogenesis II, Failure of | Latch & Positioning | Late Preterm | Low Milk Production - Real | Lymphatic Breast Massage | Macronutrient Composition of Human Milk | Maintenance of Lactation | Maternal Contraindications & Special Considerations | Maternal Diet During Lactation | Maternal/Parental Risks of Not Breastfeeding | Measuring Milk Transfer | Motivational Interviewing | Nipple Shields | Normal Breast Development | Opioids | Oral Immune Care | Paced Bottle Feeding | Pasteurized Donor Human Milk | Pharmacologic Principles | Postpartum Mood & Anxiety Disorders | Prenatal & Postpartum Counseling for the Lactating Parent & Family/Support People | Pumping in the NICU | Separation of Lactating Parent and Newborn | Serratia Marcescens Mastitis | Skin to Skin | Sleepy Infant | Storage & Handling of Human Milk | Storage Capacity | Sudden Unexpected Neonatal Collapse | Supplementation Methods | Timing for Milk Expression When Separated | Tobacco | Transitioning the Infant to the Breast | Vaccines
Morning Session (CST)
10:15-11:00Session 1Background & Demographics: Sarah Jordan-Crowe and Liliana Simon
11:00-11:30Session 2Anatomy and Physiology: Anne Eglash
11:45-12:45Session 3The Immediate Postpartum: Stephanie Ryan
12:45-1:00Session 4Milk Preparation for Feeding: Stephanie Attarian
1:00-1:30 Lunch
Afternoon Session (CST)
1:30-2:30Session 5Pumping 1.0: Anne Eglash
2:30-3:15Session 6Maintenance of MOM Production: Eliza Myers
3:30-4:15Session 7Transitioning to Feeding at the Breast: Stephanie Attarian
4:15-4:30Session 8Medications during Lactation: Anne Eglash
4:30-4:45Session 9Medical Indications for Supplementation for the Infant able to Feed at the Breast: Anne Eglash
The Course Resources are Only Available to People Enrolled in the Course.