IABLE Abstract Day – Aug 2023

No Charge

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IABLE Abstract Presentation Day

A Free World Breastfeeding Week Celebration

Friday, August 4th, 2023

8:45am – 3:50pm CST

Agenda is included in our flyer which can be downloaded here.

Overview of Abstract Presentation Day

Let’s celebrate World Breastfeeding Week! This year IABLE recognizes people who are working diligently in their communities to address breastfeeding challenges and create supportive societies through research projects and quality improvement initiatives.

Please join us for a free accredited forum during World Breastfeeding Week where presenters share their research and quality improvement outcomes. You will enjoy learning innovative strategies to tackle community breastfeeding barriers, creative study designs, and ideas for quality improvement projects in your health system and community.


There is no cost to attend. Please “Add to Cart” at the bottom of this page to reserve your seat to attend live or to access the recording.


A recording of the webinar will be available for 2 months to those who have registered. Attendees can earn credits through any combination of live participation and/or viewing the recording.

Everyone registered for this event will receive a link to the recording within 3 days after the event.

Please note that for a number of reasons, it is our policy not to permit registration for our events, nor access to the recordings, after the event has occurred. These include policies of our accreditors and speakers, technical issues, and fairness to everyone who has registered.


The AAFP has reviewed IABLE Abstract Presentation Day to Celebrate World Breastfeeding Week and deemed it acceptable for up to 4.50 Live AAFP Prescribed credits. Term of Approval is from 08/04/2023 to 08/04/2023. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

This program has been allocated 4.5 L CERPs recognized by IBLCE. Long Term Provider #117-04.

All state boards for nursing licensure approve of educational offerings that are approved by the American Nursing Credentialling Center (ANCC).

According to ANCC Certification, the continuing education hours approved by the AAFP and AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ meet the requirement of formally approved continuing education hours and may be used as such for ANCC Certification renewal. https://www.nursingworld.org/certification/faqs/


Please use our contact form to contact us with questions.


Registration for This Event is Closed.
Please check our Event Calendar or Courseware Listings
for more Breastfeeding Support training.

For a number of reasons it is our policy not to permit registration for our events,
nor access to the recordings, after the event has occurred. These include policies of our accreditors and speakers, technical issues, and fairness to everyone who has registered.

Clinical Skills | Development and Nutrition | Pathology | Pharmacology and Toxicology | Physiology and Endocrinology | Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology | Techniques

Advocate for Lactating Dyad in Healthcare System | Advocate to Government/ Health Ministries | Antenatal Colostrum Expression | Appraise & Interpret Research Results | BF Rates in One's Community & Country | Breast Exam | Breastfeeding Supportive Medical Office | Community Support Programs | Demographics | Design Research to Develop Policies & Protocols | Develop Lactation Related Policies | Duration of Breastfeeding | Educating Professionals, Students | Educational Resources | Emotional Support | Empowerment, Self-Efficacy | Equity & Inclusion | Establishing a Practice | Family Lifestyle | Group Support | Healthy People 2030 | Identify Research Design Methodology | Insufficient Glandular Tissue | Lactation in Emergency Situations | Low Milk Production - Real | Milk Bank Processes | Milk Donation | Outpatient Management of Lactation | Pasteurized Donor Human Milk | Prenatal & Postpartum Counseling for the Lactating Parent & Family/Support People | Separation of Lactating Parent and Newborn | Unpasteurized Donor Human Milk