Core Content 16: Challenging Cases During the First Week Postpartum


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This eCourse is one session from our Core Content of Breastfeeding and Lactation Medicine course. The Core Content of Breastfeeding and Lactation Medicine Course is comprised of 30 individual sessions that are designed to comprehensively prepare physicians and other providers (physician assistants, nurse practitioners, midwives) to provide evidence-based anticipatory guidance and management of typical breastfeeding and lactation problems seen in primary care.


This course, for physicians and other healthcare providers, works through case presentations of common breastfeeding challenges often encountered in the first week postpartum with discussion on evaluation and management.


  1. Describe evaluation and management of nipple sores in the first week postpartum
  2. Describe reasons why a term infant does not transfer milk sufficiently postpartum
  3. Outline early postpartum management of overproduction

Topic Outline

  • A case of a parent with nipple pain
  • A case of a non-gaining newborn
  • A case of a parent with high milk production


CMEs: The AAFP has reviewed Challenging Cases During the First Week Postpartum and deemed it acceptable for up to 1.00 Live AAFP Prescribed credits. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

CERPS: This course has been allocated 1(L) CERPs recognized by IBLCE. Long Term Provider #117-04.

Nursing Credits: All state boards for nursing licensure approve of educational offerings that are approved by the American Nursing Credentialling Center (ANCC). According to ANCC Certification, the continuing education hours approved by the AAFP and AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™ meet the requirement of formally approved continuing education hours and may be used as such for ANCC Certification renewal.


Speaker Biography

Anne Eglash MD, IBCLC, FABM, is a clinical professor with the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health, in the Department of Family and Community Medicine. In addition to practicing family medicine, she has been a board-certified lactation consultant since 1994.
Dr. Eglash is a cofounder of the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine, the Medical Director and cofounder of the Mothers’ Milk Bank of the Western Great Lakes, and the Medical Director of the University of Wisconsin Breastfeeding Medicine Clinic. She has published many peer- reviewed articles on breastfeeding medicine, has been the lead author on several Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine protocols, and was an associate editor for Breastfeeding Medicine Journal.
She co-hosts and produces a breastfeeding medicine podcast series, called The Breastfeeding Medicine Podcast. She is the founder and president of the Institute for the Advancement of Breastfeeding and Lactation Education.

Conflicts of Interest




Clinical Skills | Development and Nutrition | Pathology | Pharmacology and Toxicology | Physiology and Endocrinology | Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology | Techniques

Assessment of Infant Intake | Block Feeding | Indications for Supplementation | Infant Behavior at the Breast | Infant Feeding Difficulties | Infant Symptoms Due to Hyperlactation | Infant Weight Loss | Nipple Wound Management | Sleepy Infant