Primary Care Breastfeeding Medicine Course
for Physicians & other Providers Webinar*

This product is currently out of stock and unavailable.

SKU: 1DayProvider_202101_webinar Category:

Saturdays, January 9 and 16th, 2021

10:00am – 2:00pm CST each day


Anne Eglash MD, IBCLC, FABM,
Kristina Lehman MD, IBCLC, FABM,
Karen Bodnar MD, IBCLC, FABM, FAAP,
Nan Dahlquist, MD, IBCLC, FABM, FAAP
and Kathy Leeper MD, IBCLC, FABM

Details are included in our flyer which can be downloaded here.


Please “Add to Cart” at the bottom of this page to reserve your seat to attend the live webinar or to access the recording.

Registration will be available until the end of the Jan. 16th session. This includes access to the recordings. We cannot grant access to the recordings to anyone who has not registered.

Recording & Accreditation

The live webinar is limited to 500 participants, so while it is unlikely that all the seats will be filled, we cannot guarantee live participation. Recordings of the webinar will be available for 4 months to those who have registered. Attendees can earn credits thru any combination of live participation and/or viewing the recordings. A certificate listing credits earned will be available for download from your IABLE dashboard after the event evaluation is completed.

IBLCE: This course has been assigned 7.25 (L) Continuing Education Recognition Points (CERPs) by IBLCE. Long Term Provider #CLT117-04.

CME: The AAFP has reviewed Primary Care Breastfeeding Medicine Course for Physicians and other Providers via Webinar and deemed it acceptable for up to 7.25 Online Only, Live AAFP Prescribed credit. Term of Approval is from 01/09/2021 to 01/16/2021. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

RN: This continuing nursing education activity was approved by the Wisconsin Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. 7 nursing credits are awarded to Registered Nurses for successful completion.


Full refund up to 2 weeks before course. 50% refund for less than 2 weeks before course.
Please use our contact form to contact us with questions.

*This course is beneficial for physicians and other providers, including midwives, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, pharmacists, and students of these professions.

Registration for This Event is Closed

Abscesses | Alcohol | Ankyloglossia | Anticipatory Guidance | Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative | Bathing Infant | Blebs | Block Feeding | Bottle Feeding | Bottle Preference | Breast Anatomy | Breast Massage | Breast Pumps | Breast Refusal | Cannabis | Colostrum | Cup Feeding | Delay in Lactation | Demographics | Dermatitis | Duration of Breastfeeding | Engorgement | Exercise During Lactation | Feeding Frequency | Finger Feeding | Flange Fitting for Pumps | Foods That Influence Lactation or Human Milk Composition | Formula Feeding & Supplementation | Galactogogues | Gestational Diabetes | Group Support | Hand Expression | Healthy People 2030 | Herbs & Supplements | Herpes Simplex* | Herpes Zoster | Hormonal Control of Lactation | Hyperlactation | Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis | Indications for Supplementation | Induced Lactation | Induction of Labor | Infant Behavior at the Breast | Infant Biting | Infant Contraindications & Special Considerations | Infant Feeding Cues | Infant Feeding Difficulties | Infant Hyperbilirubinemia | Infant Hypoglycemia | Infant Risks of Not Breastfeeding | Infant Stooling & Voiding | Infant Suck Dynamics | Infant Symptoms Due to Hyperlactation | Infant Thrush | Infant Weight Loss | Insufficient Glandular Tissue | Intrapartum Antibiotic Use | Intravenous IV Fluids for Parent | Lactation During Pregnancy | Lactation Suppressants | Lactogenesis II | Lactogenesis II, Failure of | Latch & Positioning | Late Preterm | Low Milk Production - Perceived | Low Milk Production - Real | Lymphatic Breast Massage | Mastitis | Maternal Contraindications & Special Considerations | Maternal Diet During Lactation | Maternal/Parental Risks of Not Breastfeeding | Medication Information Resources | Metabolic Syndrome | Methods of Supplementation | Milk Expression During Employment | Morbid Obesity | Nighttime Feedings | Nipple Lesions | Nipple Shields | Nipple Wound Management | Normal Breast Development | Oroboobular Dysproportion | Outpatient Follow Up After Hospital Discharge | Outpatient Management of Lactation | PCOS | Paced Bottle Feeding | Pacifiers | Pharmacologic Principles | Plugged Ducts | Postpartum Hemorrhage | Pre-Eclampsia | Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension | Prenatal & Postpartum Counseling for the Lactating Parent & Family/Support People | Pump Trauma | Retained Placental Fragment | Retrognathia | Reverse Pressure Softening | Rooming In | Scales | Separation of Lactating Parent and Newborn | Sheehan's Syndrome | Skin Tags | Skin to Skin | Sleepy Infant | Slow Infant Weight Gain | Spoon Feeding | Storage & Handling of Human Milk | Storage Capacity | Substance Use Disorder | Sudden Unexpected Neonatal Collapse | Supplementation Methods | Supplementers at the Breast | Tandem Nursing | Timing for Milk Expression When Separated | Tobacco | Topical Medications for Nipples | Tubular Breast Deformity | Vasospasm | WHO Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes | Weaning | Weight Changes Postpartum | Yeast Infection