Primary Care Breastfeeding Medicine Course for Physicians and other Providers*
Registration for this Event is Closed
We are planning to conduct this webinar again in January of 2021. We hope you can joins us then!
Clinical Skills | Development and Nutrition | Pathology | Pharmacology and Toxicology | Physiology and Endocrinology | Psychology, Sociology, and Anthropology | Techniques
Abscesses | Alcohol | Ankyloglossia | Anticipatory Guidance | Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative | Bathing Infant | Blebs | Block Feeding | Bottle Feeding | Bottle Preference | Breast Anatomy | Breast Massage | Breast Pumps | Breast Refusal | Cannabis | Colostrum | Cup Feeding | Delay in Lactation | Demographics | Dermatitis | Duration of Breastfeeding | Engorgement | Exercise During Lactation | Feeding Frequency | Finger Feeding | Flange Fitting for Pumps | Foods That Influence Lactation or Human Milk Composition | Formula Feeding & Supplementation | Galactogogues | Gestational Diabetes | Group Support | Hand Expression | Healthy People 2030 | Herbs & Supplements | Herpes Simplex* | Herpes Zoster | Hormonal Control of Lactation | Hyperlactation | Idiopathic Granulomatous Mastitis | Indications for Supplementation | Induced Lactation | Induction of Labor | Infant Behavior at the Breast | Infant Biting | Infant Contraindications & Special Considerations | Infant Feeding Cues | Infant Feeding Difficulties | Infant Hyperbilirubinemia | Infant Hypoglycemia | Infant Risks of Not Breastfeeding | Infant Stooling & Voiding | Infant Suck Dynamics | Infant Symptoms Due to Hyperlactation | Infant Thrush | Infant Weight Loss | Insufficient Glandular Tissue | Intrapartum Antibiotic Use | Intravenous IV Fluids for Parent | Lactation During Pregnancy | Lactation Suppressants | Lactogenesis II | Lactogenesis II, Failure of | Latch & Positioning | Late Preterm | Low Milk Production - Perceived | Low Milk Production - Real | Lymphatic Breast Massage | Mastitis | Maternal Contraindications & Special Considerations | Maternal Diet During Lactation | Maternal/Parental Risks of Not Breastfeeding | Medication Information Resources | Metabolic Syndrome | Methods of Supplementation | Milk Expression During Employment | Morbid Obesity | Nighttime Feedings | Nipple Lesions | Nipple Shields | Nipple Wound Management | Normal Breast Development | Oroboobular Dysproportion | Outpatient Follow Up After Hospital Discharge | Outpatient Management of Lactation | PCOS | Paced Bottle Feeding | Pacifiers | Pharmacologic Principles | Plugged Ducts | Postpartum Hemorrhage | Pre-Eclampsia | Pregnancy-Induced Hypertension | Prenatal & Postpartum Counseling for the Lactating Parent & Family/Support People | Pump Trauma | Retained Placental Fragment | Retrognathia | Reverse Pressure Softening | Rooming In | Scales | Separation of Lactating Parent and Newborn | Sheehan's Syndrome | Skin Tags | Skin to Skin | Sleepy Infant | Slow Infant Weight Gain | Spoon Feeding | Storage & Handling of Human Milk | Storage Capacity | Substance Use Disorder | Sudden Unexpected Neonatal Collapse | Supplementation Methods | Supplementers at the Breast | Tandem Nursing | Timing for Milk Expression When Separated | Tobacco | Topical Medications for Nipples | Tubular Breast Deformity | Vasospasm | WHO Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes | Weaning | Weight Changes Postpartum | Yeast Infection