Lactation and Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs) Webinar – June 2022

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Friday, June 17th, 2022

9:00am – 5:00pm CST


Katrina Mitchell MD, IBCLC, PMH-C,
Laura Miller-Graff PhD,
Michelle Haggerty DO, IBCLC,
Natasha K. Sriraman MD, MPH, FAAP, FABM,
Christina Wichman DO, Elizabeth Collins MD,
and Lauren Abern MD

The IABLE Lactation and Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders (PMADs) Conference is designed for individuals who work directly with breastfeeding and lactating dyads. We are more capable of caring for lactating individuals if we have the skills to understand how PMADs affect lactation and vice versa. We anticipate that participants will gain confidence in addressing and screening parents for PMADs, and understanding how lactation care recommendations must accommodate mental health needs.

For course details and schedule download the brochure here.

Webinar Registration

Please “Add to Cart” at the bottom of this page to reserve your seat to attend the live webinar or to access the recordings.

Earlybird through May 13, 2022: $60
Regular: $75


Recordings of the course will be available to registrants for 3 months. Attendees can earn credits through any combination of live participation and/or viewing the recordings.

Everyone registered for this event will receive a link to the recordings within 3 days after the event.


CME: The AAFP has reviewed Lactation and Perinatal Mood and Anxiety Disorders and deemed it acceptable for up to 6.25 Live AAFP Prescribed credits. Term of Approval is from 06/17/2022 to 06/17/2022. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

CERP: This course has been allocated 6.25 (L) CERPs recognized by IBLCE. Long Term Provider #117-04.
IABLE has been accepted by International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners® (IBLCE®) as a CERP Provider for the listed Continuing Education Recognition Points (CERPs) programme. Determination of CERPs eligibility or CERPs Provider status does not imply IBLCE®’s endorsement or assessment of education quality. INTERNATIONAL BOARD OF LACTATION CONSULTANT EXAMINERS®, IBLCE®, INTERNATIONAL BOARD CERTIFIED LACTATION CONSULTANT®, and IBCLC® are registered marks of the International Board of Lactation Consultant Examiners.

Registration for This Event is Closed.
Please check our Event Calendar or Courseware Listings
for more Breastfeeding Support training.

For a number of reasons it is our policy not to permit registration for our events,
nor access to the recordings, after the event has occurred. These include policies of our
accreditors and speakers, technical issues, and fairness to everyone who has registered.

Advocate for Lactating Dyad in Healthcare System | Anticipatory Guidance | Care Plan Development & Sharing | Contraindicated Medications | Counseling Principles | Dysfunctional Milk Ejection Reflex | Emotional Support | Empowerment, Self-Efficacy | Equity & Inclusion | Family Lifestyle | Infant Behavior at the Breast | Medication Information Resources | Pharmacologic Principles | Postpartum Mood & Anxiety Disorders | Prenatal & Postpartum Counseling for the Lactating Parent & Family/Support People